Install Elasticsearch in 7 steps!

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Install Elasticsearch in 7 steps!

Step by step on Linux

We are regularly asked whether there is a good Dutch manual for Elasticsearch to install. The steps to take are simple when done in the correct order. This blog describes the installation of Elasticsearch and Kibana step by step.

To start, make sure to do a clean install of Ubuntu linux. We used the following iso / version: ubuntu-16.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso.

Install elasticsearch

Elastisearch can be installed with the following commands and steps.

1. wget qO | sudo aptkey add

2. sudo aptget install apttransportationhttps

3. echo “deb stable main” | sudo tee a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic7.x.list

4. sudo aptget update sudo aptget install elasticsearch

Elasticsearch is now installed. You can start with the following command:

5. sudo systemctl start elasticsearch.service

Install Kibana

Now that Elasticsearch is installed, Kibana can be installed.

6. sudo aptget update sudo aptget install kibana

7. sudo systemctl start kibana.service

Now start the web browser and go to localhost:5601. The kibana screen with now appear. Good luck!


Knowing more?

Do you want to know more or do you have a question about the possibilities, call us +31 (0)88 – 7887 328, go to Contact or fill in the form below!

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